Irish VAT numbers cancelled

If you are VAT registered in Ireland and filing nil VAT returns, you may get a notification from the tax authorities about the cancellation of your VAT registration number.

Ireland may cancel your VAT registration

If you are VAT registered in Ireland and filing nil VAT returns, you may get a notification from the tax authorities about the cancellation of your VAT registration number. If that happens, you should contact the authorities to describe your business and the expected taxable supplies in order to maintain your VAT number activated.

What are the exact reasons for this?

The Irish authorities published a notice explaining that VAT numbers will be cancelled where the number has been inactive for a given period or where there are reasons to believe that the VAT registration number is being used for carrousel fraud. Where a VAT number is cancelled, the authorities will communicate the change to foreign and domestic suppliers to avoid fraud continuing to happen. They will also publish the cancellation in the Official Gazette and other media. The Guidelines for the Cancellation of a registration number are published in the authorities’ website.

Whether you are required by the tax authorities or not, cancelling your VAT registration number can help you reducing compliance costs. If you are filing nil VAT returns in a country and you do not expect to make taxable supplies in such territory, we will be happy to assist you with the VAT deregistration. Contact us for more information.


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