EU VAT Registrations checker

Our tool will tell you if and where you need a VAT number to make online sales in Europe and whether you will need to enrol into the OSS/IOSS regimes.

VAT registrations tool for online sales in the EU. Check if you need a VAT number or to enrol into the OSS/IOSS regimes.

This tool will give you an estimation of where you should register for VAT across Europe when selling products online and whether  you should enrol into the OSS/IOSS regimes.

The tool is not valid for other trading activities outside online or distance sales of goods. The results of the tool should not be taken as Marosa's tax advice. Instead, you should contact us to confirm the conclusions of your questionnaire and make sure you don’t fall under any exception to the general rules.

Our dedicated online sales team will be happy to help you.

1. Where is your company currently resident?

2. Are you already VAT registered in another EU country?

2.1. Choose the countries where you are already VAT registered:

3. In which EU country(ies) are you holding (or you intend to hold) a stock of products?

4. Beside the countries where you stock goods, do you sell your products to private individuals in any other EU country?

4.1. Choose the countries where you will sell your products:

4.2. Please indicate if you are performing these sales via:

5. Did your sales to customers located in countries where you do not hold a stock crossed the total threshold of EUR 10.000 during last year or since the beginning of this year?

6. Did you perform (or are you planning to perform) any sale whereas the products have been sent directly from outside the EU to a final customers located in a EU country?

6.1. Choose the countries where your customers are located:

6.2. Are your shipments:

6.3. Please indicate if you are performing these sales via:

VAT Registrations summary:

EU Countries where we understand that you are already VAT registered:

      You must register in these countries because you hold stock there:

        Although not mandatory, it is advisable to VAT register in the following countries, in order to avoid shifting the burden of the import taxes and formalities on your client:

          You must enrol in the following e-commerce regimes:

          • There is no obligation to enroll into the OSS/IOSS regimes.

          Almost there!

          Leave us your contact info to check if you need a VAT number to make online sales in Europe.

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          Give us your contact details and our team will contact you to organize a demo and evaluate how you can integrate your system with our tool.

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          +34 986 955 144

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