Letters from Amazon France on VAT obligations

Most online businesses selling their products to French customers have received a letter this week with a summary of all their sales in France during last year.

Amazon France informs about VAT obligations

The letter explains that as from March 2017 it is a legal requirement for online platforms such as Amazon or Ebay to provide the tax authorities with a statement of all online sales to French customers during the previous year. The letter recommends contacting your tax advisor in case you are not certain about meeting your French tax and social security obligations.

According to the distance sales EU rules, foreign online businesses must get a VAT number in France when their annual sales to French customers exceed €35,000. From that moment, French VAT must be charged and French invoicing obligations must be met. Also VAT and Intrastat reporting is required. Our article on E-commerce VAT, explains the VAT rules for online sellers.

France is a proactive country requesting information from online selling platforms and from other European countries to assess potential penalties on those not meeting French tax obligations. If you received the letter this month, contact us to evaluate your registration needs in France and other European countries.


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