Mandatory Greek e-invoicing as from 2020
As announced on 23 April 2018, Greece is planning to introduce a mandatory real-time reporting of invoices as from 2020 onwards.
The Greek Ministry of Finance wants to start with a testing group of all invoices issued to public entities (B2G invoicing) and issued to Limited Liability companies. These invoices must be submitted to the Greek tax authorities in a standard, yet not defined format, starting on 1 January 2019. In the next step, as from January 2020, all taxable persons will be obliged to issue their invoices electronically and submit them directly to the tax authorities.
The implementation of a standard, mandatory electronic invoice submission in real-time yet needs to be approved by the European Union, similar to the case of the Italian electronic invoicing. We have not yet received information on whether non-established companies registered for VAT in Greece should also comply with the mandatory e-invoicing as from next year.
The obligation to report transaction data on real-time to the tax authorities is a trend among EU VAT laws. Italy will implement a mandatory electronic invoicing on all B2B transactions as from 2019. There are several real-time reporting obligations of specific accounting information in place like the SII in Spain and Hungarian real-time reporting. Also the Spesometro in Italy, SAF-T in several countries and listings in Czech Republic, Romania and Belgium require transaction data to be reported.
How can we help you with Greek e-invoicing?
We are happy to assist you to comply with any obligations of digital submissions in Europe. Please feel free to contact us to receive more information about electronic invoicing in Europe.