Taxpayers Are Receiving Letters From The Belgian Intrastat Authorities With Important Information

The Belgian Intrastat authorities sent letters to all businesses required to submit Intrastat returns with an update on data transmission, data requirements and upcoming changes in 2019.  

 You can access the letter directly in English language via this link. In summary, the letter included the following information:

  • If you use Internet explorer as web browser, you will need the version 11 installed in your computer. For Google Chrome and Firefox you simply need your browser to be up to date with the latest release.  
  • Going forward, it is not required to round off figures in weight, units or invoice amount. You will be able to report these values with two decimal numbers.
  • The authorities confirmed that there are no changes to Intrastat thresholds in 2018.
  • There are no significant changes in the Commodity codes in 2018 (only 20 out of circa 10,000 codes have been changed).
  • Important: In 2019, there will be new data requirements in your Belgian Intrastat return. The country of origin and the VAT number of the customer will be mandatory fields./li>

The changes planned in 2019 are in line with the EU wide Intrastat changes published by the European Commission.

You can find more information about Intrastat and applicable thresholds in the EU in our Intrastat thresholds section.


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